As sad as I was about the twins leaving me last week, I didn't have a whole lot of time to dwell on the matter. For one thing I have a ginormous exam coming up for which I have no clue how to study, I haven't taken a literature exam since high school and I have never taken one where I have to memorize date and names of fables and authors of insignificant works. Not so fun. Secondly, my friend Nicole (who I stayed with in London in December) came to Murcia for a couple days! I unfortunately had class, but we had a lot of fun anyhow. We went out for some really good tapas dinner and I took her to Badulake (since it's really the only thing that there is to do in Murcia anyhow). She left Thursday morning and I spent the rest of the day/weekend studying and creating notecards for this very scary exam. The bright spot in all this studying grossness was on Friday when I went over to my Spanish family's house to cook dinner. I taught them all how to make Mexican food. We had guac, cheese sauce, pico de gallo, mexican rice, a taco bar with meat and chicken, black beans, and sopapillas for dessert. It was a lot of food, but there were 8 of us eating (myself, the family of 5, Piti's grandmother, and Elena's friend) so the food pretty much disappeared.
Elena's friend, Elena, Me, and Carla
Carla making the pico de gallo After all that food we were then required, actually Piti and Javi decided that it was obligatory, to play Wii Justdance to work off all those calories.
And then the girls went off to bed while I went home to study some more. Later that night, or should I say early the next morning, Alyssa and I took advantage of the new airline scheduling, the discount airlines put the new prices up the month before, to plan for when she comes to visit me in 36 days!!!! Then back to the grindstone. Hopefully all this studying will pay off. I still have three more countries and their story traditions to memorize before 4 pm on Thursday. Fingers crossed!
¡Hasta la semana que viene!
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