Thing 1 and Thing 2
Yes, that's right, the twins invaded Murcia this past week for spring break! While all their friends were partying it up in Mexico or relaxing at home they flew trans-atlanticly to see their long-lost sister (or at least to Aaron who is a very bad communicator). I don't think I flogged them too hard...
They got here on Monday and despite being very tired we walked around the city and got some lunch. We went to Dad's new favorite restaurant, Lizarran, and then just around the corner in the Plaza de la Catedral to get some crepes and coffee.
We walked around a lot of the city, but I'm not convinced that they remembered a lot of it. On Tuesday I went to class and they hung out. I actually had an in-class essay so I spent most of the morning studying. Later that night we went out to dinner (after JAG and NCIS, which play here every night in English). Wednesday Becky came to class with me, and although it is actually a very boring class it was the day before the party for the facultad de letras (humanities department) so groups of students randomly started popping in to perform scenes from plays. Prof, not so happy. We were then going to go to my next class, which I thought had been moved up, but because it hadn't I was going to take Becky home and then go to class later. The only problem with that was...Aaron had the keys because he said he was going to go for a run and then didn't answer the door because he was sleeping, so by the time we got inside, my 2nd class had already started. Becky and Aaron came to flamenco with me later that night and then we went out for tapas at the restaurant right next door. On Thursday I didn't have school (the party) so we went to the open-air market and got some churros for breakfast.
Then we just walked up and down the rows and got rained upon. As we were on our way back we stumbled across the Chinese food store that I have been looking for for a few weeks and so I bought some stuff for dinner and we had edamame and chicken fried rice. Friday was a nicer day so the twins went to Cartagena and I studied...all day...I have a HUGE test in a couple weeks. After they came back we went out for Mexican food and then to the bar right next door for some of the best mojitos in the city, I owed Becky since she finished the 30 hour dance marathon at Northwestern). I then took them to Badulake, which Aaron hated, but I insisted they experience. After Badulake we went to get the best kebaps in the city (not on kebaBs which are on a stick, but kebaPs which is kind of like a gyro).
On Saturday we just walked around a little more, and went to Dad's other favorite restaurant, Valor, for churros con chocolate. Later than night we went to my Spanish family's house for dinner. Javi cooked a delicious paella (although not actually dinner food it was a special treat for the twins) and we brought cheesecake, which was made using the contents out of a box. Then they left yesterday morning (on time, despite the time change, which only just happened in Europe). My Spanish family was actually going to Valencia yesterday and they insisted on taking the twins to the airport since it was on the way, which is much to nice of them. And now it's back to studying. It was really nice to see the twins, but I'm not going to lie, it's nice to have my own bed back...5 people in this apartment is a little snug.
¡Hasta la semana que viene!
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