Friday I woke up early again, this time to go to the immigration office to pick up my residency card (a.k.a I am officially a resident of Spain until September of next year!). Then my mom came to visit!!! There was a moment of panic when it was 2 hours after her plane was to arrive and she still hadn't called. It turns out that her phone doesn't work in Spain, something about there are 4 international bandwiths and her phone doesn't have the one that works here, so she was driving lost through the city. Finally I called the hotel to find out that she had already checked in, so I just walked over there.
We began the day with a drive to Lorca, which was actually rather uneventful. Then we had to figure out how to get into the city, since there are about 4 exits into the city. Once we did end up in the right place we found the tourist office, where they gave us a HUGE map (so big Mom didn't need her glasses to read it) and we made our way up to the castle fort. By "made our way up" I mean we hiked on a small road near a cliff. Once we arrived at the fort we watched a movie narrated by an animated baby falcon named Ben Sakar (meaning Son of Falcon) who told us about the history of the fort. We then went in a time machine. It wasn't quite what I had expected. I always assumed they would be much faster, alá Dolorian, and much more interesting. This was not. However, since we are the only people I know who have been in a time machine I can't complain too much. After being transported to the 13th century we started walking around the fort with our audio guides (included in the price). We reached the top of the tower and met a new friend.
We spent the day walking around the old city and had lunch. My grandparents also met the King of Beach (Ivan, from England) who was building a really intense Mayan temple out of sand and asked me out (and I'm absolutely going out with image of my Spanish boyfriend was indeed a 30something beach bum with dreadlocks from England (if you did not pick up on the sarcasm you suck at life)). Then my grandparents went back to the boat and we came back to Murcia, and I actually went to class (or at least one of them).
That's it for this week.
¡Hasta la semana que viene!
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