Thursday: After a very long day of travel, partly because I had to fly across the entirety of the continent and partly because my flight was delayed due to the fact that I flew over France (yes I said over...because of the strike there are only 84 air control towers working in the whole country so all the flights have to be staggered exactly right), I arrived in Krakow. Luckily in the airport I ran into 3 other girls from the program as well so the four of us shared a taxi to the hotel. Since we were late, because of the whole France thing, everyone else had already left for dinner so we met up with one of the directors who waited for us and then we joined the rest of our group. The group was comprised of 13 students, Jews and a few non-Jews, who were interested in the Holocaust for a variety of reasons. We had a very nice welcome dinner with typical Polish food (cream of mushroom soup and pierogies (Polish dumplings) with coffee and cake for dessert) and then we headed back to the hotel.
These are the two sides of the medal
After that we had a nice dinner and then a group of us went to a pub for awhile to sample Polish beer (not bad by the way) and discuss the day we had.
Saturday: We boarded the vans for the town of Osweiçsm (Auschwitz in German). We began by going to Auschwitz I. Auschwitz is actually a really large complex of camps with three main camps and 40 sub-camps. It was originally for non-Jewish prisoners of war and Polish Partisans. It was also just a men's camp except for a short time in 1943 and the last few months before liberation. It is also the camp that has been turned into the museum. For this reason it was not what I was expecting. There were a lot of people there, large tour groups, and lines to see exhibits. It felt almost a little bit like Disneyland. Of course there were moments that took my breath away and made me so upset, but for the majority of the visit I just felt very empty. Later that day we toured the town (60% of the population of the town before the war was Jewish, now there are no Jews in the town), saw the Auschwitz Jewish Center, and spoke with a non-Jewish survivor of Auschwitz (which I have never done before) who now lives in the town.
Sunday: We went to see Birkenau (Auschwitz II), which is the one that you tend to see pictures of (with the exception of the Arbeit Macht Frei sign which is at Auschwitz I). It has been conserved exactly as the Nazis left it, meaning that it is not a museum in the slightest. Driving up to the camp was something out of a nightmare; it was cold, foggy, early in the morning (so we were practically the only people there) and there were no signs saying that it was coming. It was almost as if we happened upon it. It would be impossible for me to describe for you how I felt being in the camp. The best way to say it is that it was a combination of disgust, horror, fear, anger, depression, disbelief, and awe. The sheer size of the camp is also extraordinarily impressive, it is 500 square acres in size. Following this visit we had a discussion to wrap everything up and then most of the group went home. Myself, along with 3 other girls stayed the night in Krakow. Considering the emotions that were running rampant I think that staying the extra night was really helpful in bringing me back to real life. I don't think I would have fared very well if I had to go straight home after that experience.
So that was my weekend. I'm sorry for the overly depressing post, and I promise that next week's will be infinitely happier.
Hasta la semana que viene.
I can't even imagine how you must of felt, Sarah. I'm proud of you for being a part of this trip. You're such a brave person and I admire you so much for that.