This past week has been an interesting one to say the least. On Tuesday Annalisa and I had our despedida dinner, although neither of us are leaving until this weekend.
We went out for tapas at Madre de Dios and then to Badulake for one last crazy Tuesday, and let me assure you all that it was crazy. And then on Wednesday we had a picnic. Which was actually held inside because it was supposed to rain. I made stuffed mushrooms. And then after that I went to dance and later my flamenco class and I went out for dinner after class. We figured last week would be a better time to do a dinner since last Thursday was some holiday or other. On Thursday I studied for my exam and then Friday I took my 20th Century Spanish poetry exam. He started it off by saying that he fully intended upon passing everyone, and that he did. I got an 8. Friday night I went over to my family's house. I actually babysat the girls and stayed the night. The next morning Javi made churros, btw homemade churros are way better than any store bought ones, and then we went to the beach. We spent all day at their beach house with another family (the girls' science teacher, from England, her husband, and their three kids who are all the same age as the girls).
You can't really tell, but we're having a seaweed war (best quote to come out of the day..."I hope you guys aren't fighting." "No Mom, we aren't fighting, it's a war.")
Yesterday, I took Bre to the airport to help her negotiate all her luggage and then I came home and spent the rest of the day recuperating from the beach. I spent today working on my linguistic commentary, which is a lot more time-consuming than it should be, and I went to flamenco. For some reason I feel absolutely dead today and so on my way home from flamenco tonight I was being 'guapaed' and I snapped. Like I literally started bitching these guys out on the street. Oops. You know it's time to come home when...
¡Hasta la semana que viene!
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