Los Reyes Magos
Sooo....this week was pretty boring, I have exams this coming week so it was a lot of sitting in bed studying. That coupled with an ear infection caused pretty much nothing to happen. I did get invited to have dinner at my Spanish family's house on the night of the 5th (the eve of the 3 King's Day). We went over to their grandparents' house, which is actually connected to their own, which has a big terrace over looking the Gran Via and watched the parade. Then we had dinner with the extended family (cousins and everything. In fact, Piti (the middle daughter) asked me how Paris was and particularly if I came back with a boyfriend and I responded in the negative, she became very determined to find me one. She first made sure that I ask the 3 Kings to bring me a boyfriend and then introduced me to her cousin who, when she discovered he is still dating his girlfriend, she promptly told me wasn't worth talking to.) We ate roscon (the round cake with presents in it) and chocolate for dessert and then, lo and behold, the 3 Kings had come through the window during dinner and left presents in the bedroom. Their grandmother, Carmen, was nice enough to "ask the 3 Kings" get me the 2010 Nobel Prize book by Mario Vargas Llosa called El sueño del celta (Celtic Dream) I have yet to read it, or even start it due to the impending finals, but as soon as I'm done on Friday I will curl up and start reading just for fun again. I can't wait!!!
¡Hasta la semana que viene!
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